The Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane (A.D.S.I.) brings together the owners of historic properties throughout Italy, which are an important part of our cultural heritage.
The historic houses are cultural assets of important historic-artistic interest, which are “listed”, so protected by the state, which must encourage their owners to conserve them.
It is a vast and mixed heritage: houses, palaces, villas, castles, gardens and agricultural estates. They are spread throughout the country and about 80% of them are in rural or provincial locations. Each has a precise identity, unique in Europe, because of its history, cultural value and close links to its surrounding area.
But the serious problems related to their maintenance, which must be dealt with on a daily basis by their owners, are also unique. They are assets, though, that, if well maintained and managed, can make an important contribution to the cultural, social and economic life of their local communities.
To attain this result, the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane, with its 4500 members, is constantly engaged in promoting the protection and enhancement of the historic houses, together with the European Historic Houses Association (EHH).
The commitment of the A.D.S.I. is for this reason aimed in several directions:
The A.D.S.I. Abruzzo was founded on 6 July 1986 by Aldo Maria Arena, who was the first regional president and is now Honorary President of the section.
Over the years, the presidency has been held by:
Ludovico Basile has been the section president since 23 June 2018.
The regional headquarters hosted the Assembly of Members in 1989 and 2005 in Pereto (AQ).
In 2009 the Abruzzo Region unfortunately suffered the effects of the tragic earthquake that affected not only L'Aquila but also a large part of the region. The activity of the regional headquarters was thus focused on finding a solution that would mitigate and shorten the suffering of those who lost so much; to date, this mission has not yet been completed.
In 2011, by virtue of the decision of the A.D.S.I. National Council to donate the contribution received from members through the 5×1000 of 2008 to the earthquake emergency, the regional office was able to subsidise the restoration of the historic Porta Bazzano of L'Aquila, affixing a commemorative plaque: “Questa antica porta civica, che nel XV secolo, vide l’eroismo delle genti Aquilane contro le milizie di Braccio da Montone, resa inagibile dal terremoto del 2009, è stata restaurata e riportata al pristino splendore dall’Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane, a cura della Sezione Abruzzo”. (This ancient civic gate, which in the fifteenth century saw the heroism of the people of L'Aquila against the militia of Braccio da Montone, made unusable by the earthquake of 2009, has been restored and returned to its pristine splendour by the Abruzzo Section of the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane).
The Association is a national organisation divided into Regional Sections, whose boundaries normally coincide with those of the Italian Regions. The Regional Sections are the Association’s peripheral bodies. All Members are enrolled in Regional Sections, according to the procedures established in the Regulations.
Attachment: Regolamento A.D.S.I abruzzo 2020
Giovanni Ciarrocca
Flaminia Cerulli Irelli
Carlo Ferdinando de Narsi
Ermanno de Pompeis
Lodovico Vannicelli Casoni
Deputy Councillor
Eva Book Basile
A.D.S.I. Abruzzo
Via Giovanni Nicotera, 29 - 00195 Rome +39 06 85304970
The Section is open for appointments on Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 18:30
DONATE YOUR 5X1000 to the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane
Support the private historic-artistic architectural heritage
Your income tax return is a great opportunity to support the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane, which has been committed to the protection, conservation and enhancement of the privately owned historic-artistic heritage for over 46 years. Choosing to allocate your 5x1000 to voluntary work associations will allow us to integrate the resources available to the A.D.S.I. aimed at the pursuit of its statutory purposes.
How to allocate the 5x1000 to the A.D.S.I.
On the tax return form (CU 2023, 730-2023 or PF 2023):
In the space “SCELTA PER LA DESTINAZIONE DEL CINQUE PER MILLE DELL’IRPEF” select the “Finanziamento della attività di tutela, promozione e valorizzazione dei beni culturali e paesaggistici (soggetti di cui all’art. 2, c.2, del D.P.C.M. 28 luglio 2016)”; sign and enter our tax code 80230750582.
What is the 5X1000?
The 5×1000 is the portion of Irpef (personal income tax) that can be allocated, when making your income tax return, to non-profit and charitable organisations such as the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane. If you do not indicate any preference, these sums are retained by the State.
If I donate the 5×1000, can I also donate the 8×1000?
Yes, you can. Donating the 5×1000 does not exclude the possibility of also expressing a preference for the 8×1000 (dedicated to religious denominations). These are not alternative choices and can therefore all be made. Such choices do not in any way result in more taxes being due.
Does donating the 5×1000 have an additional cost for the taxpayer?
No, it does not cost anything because the 5×1000 is a part of the income tax that the State renounces in favour of non-profit organisations and cultural associations. If not declared, this sum is automatically retained by the State.
What happens if I do not indicate my tax code?
If you do not specify your tax code, the amount will not be attributed to the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane, but will be divided proportionally on the basis of the number of preferences received by associations in the same category.
I do not submit a tax return. Can I still allocate the 5×1000 to the Association?
Yes. Even those who are not required to submit a tax return can choose to donate 5×1000 to the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane. Simply fill in the form with the 5×1000 choice contained in the CU (Certificazione Unica) and hand it in at a post office or CAF. The form must be submitted by 30 September 2023, in a sealed envelope marked “Scelta per la destinazione dell’otto, del cinque e del due per mille dell’Irpef”, along with your name, surname and tax code. The service is free of charge.
What are the deadlines for submitting the tax return?
The deadline for submitting the 730 tax return is 30 September 2023. This deadline applies to those who submit their 730 ordinary tax return to the tax withholding agent and to those who submit their completed 730 or ordinary tax return to the CAF or an accountant. The deadline for submitting the personal income form (ex Unico) is 30 November 2023.
For further information -
A.D.S.I. Abruzzo
Via Giovanni Nicotera, 29 - 00195 Rome
The Section is open for appointments on Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 18:30
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